
Finding your voice

I was perusing my myspace page this evening, and realized that it really is just a created persona. It's only one part of me, definately. My name is "a beautiful dream" and my picture is from a day when I was all dressed up. Most days I neither look nor think like a beautiful dream. Most days I look like this:

I definately have a different voice here than I do on myspace, or facebook, or my msn livespace. But that's part of the fun of blogging and online networking. You can choose which side of yourself to show. I wouldn't say that any of my "voices" are less or more authentic than the next, but a different side of me.

I think I'm more personal on my myspace blog, my msn livespaces blog is used mostly for showing off, since people from back home can see it, and here, it's for class, so I keep it professional, or try to, at least.

I'm beginning to see how blogging can be a release. Even if you follow some of the most conservative restraints, you can still express yourself, rant and share with the world. I can see where Blood says that even if you just post annotated links, some of yourself still comes through. Unless you're completely random with your postings, but then again, that can show your personality, too. Strange.

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