

Ah, Sunday. That day of the week that is either the end of a beautiful weekend, or the dreaded last day of the weekend that is used to catch up on all the stuff that needs to be done by Monday. I'm guessing it's the latter for most people. I have a minumum of stuff to do for tomorrow, which is nice. A little procrastination goes a long way.

The hardest thing, for me anyway, about balancing school and work is housework. Squeezing in time to do a load of dishes so your roommates don't hate you, or finally seeing the carpet in your bedroom for the first time in a month. I used my afternoon yesterday to do just that. The dish'll come later this week. Saturday morning, when getting ready for work, I noticed a bulk of clothing that I hadn't worn for a while. So I grabbed some bags and sorted through it: KEEP, TOSS, and DONATE. The Salvation Army will be happy with me. Two and half bags of clothes (and five pairs of shoes), including a tasteful formal gown that doesn't fit me anymore. I hope it ends up being some girl's dream prom dress.

Have you ever donated stuff, and then gone down the the Salvation Army to see how much they're charging? It's kinda fun. The last time I did it, I went to check it out about a week after I dropped stuff off. I could only find about a quarter of the stuff I left. It was kinda fun. The infamous "I don't think I can do a pink purse" pink purse was still there. I might drop this stuff off tomorrow. If anyone's looking for last year's size 7 clothing... check out the Salvation Army this week.

Off to do the rest of my homework...

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