
Of Sex and Love

There once was a time, in what seems was so very long ago, that I believe that sex could not be with out love. That it wasn't right to have sex with someone you didn't love. I was so naive back then!

Love, in it's true form, is a very powerful force. Love can blur our clear thinking, fogging up our logic, and cause us to make bad decisions, often involving sex.

People often claim raging hormones are the cause for teen sex, but in my experience, it's been puppy-love. "I think I love him... should we make love?"

"Make love," such a joke! Just FUCK... have sex, bone, do "it"... but don't make love. It's too dangerous. Fucking is just raw bodies... it's pure. Love screws it up... it brings emotion into the equation. You can't think about protection and yourself as clearly when you make love, when you're in love.

I know I'm starting to sound like a whore, but hear me out. People don't make bad life decisions because they had sex, they make bad life decisions because they were in love, because they made love, because they want to be with so-and-so.

When you can separate sex and love, things become so much easier. You don't have another person to factor into your life, it's just you.

I'm not advocating sleeping around. I believe in the fuck-buddy. A good friend that you're attracted to,you trust enough to have sex with you, but that you have no interest in a relationship with, nor have you had a previous romantic relationship, unless, of course, it was thoroughly worked through that a romantic relationship was completely out of the question.

Everyone has a friend (or two or three) that there is an undeniable physical attraction to, but for several other factors, a romantic relationship just wouldn't work.

Talk to that person, be honest. Tell them "I want to fuck you, but that's it. I trust you, you're my friend, and I really want to fuck you... no relationship... just sex."

That's a type of safe sex that no one ever talks about... sex where your heart is safe. No one ever talks about the emotional damage that can be done by love and sex.

Fuck buddies... UNITE!

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