

Since when does naked = sex? Why is a nude automatically porn?
Check this out.

This kid could have to register as a sex offender... just for being naked because under-aged people were in the audience.

We really need to re-evaluate our definition of sex, and sex offenders, naked is naked.

Our sex offender laws are there for a reason, not to stop people from pulling silly pranks. In Illinois, if you're charged with public urination, you have to register as a sex offender. Last I checked, if you're peeing in public, it's probably not because you're getting off, it's probably because you really have to pee (and most likely drunk) and can't find a public rest room. If you're doing it to get off, there's probably more going on than public urination.

Let's save the sex offender tag for true sex offenders, before it becomes less serious.

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