
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

I just got back from the midnight showing of "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix” I don't know why I bother with the movies... I'm always disappointed by them! First of, the title is "... and the Order of the Phoenix," right? You don't learn squat about the Order of the Phoenix in the movie! I know a movie is never going to be exactly like a book... there are a million reasons, and I know a lot of them, but there are too many WTF moments in these movies! The story has been severely manipulated to the point where it's barely recognizable! The timeline gets screwed around, "facts" get messed around, we don't learn certain things the same way in the movie as the book. I don't think you can truly understand one with out the other... the books keep the story strait, while the movies help visualize the crazy and wonderful world of Hogwarts.

I guess I should stop expecting as much from Hollywood as I do from the great literary minds of our day.

I just hope Book 7 doesn't disappoint me the way "The Order of the Phoenix" has.

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