
Short Story #1

She didn’t want to do it, not at first, but he was so cute, smart, and funny. She saw him from across the room the night before, it was so cliché, but maybe that’s what made it right. At first, she was just going to play coy, introduce herself, leave him wanting more. His plan must have been the same, because after meeting him, she wanted more. For the rest of the night, she could barely leave his side. When it was time to go home, she wanted to go home with him. It was a perfect night of passion, but then the morning came. Passion didn’t look so good on clean white sheets. She was so worried that this wonderful man she had just met would never want to see her again.

When he was in the bathroom, she left a piece of paper with her name and phone number in his jacket. Her plan was let him make the first real move, she had made so many the night before. She quickly pulled back her hair, put on some dirty jeans and a t-shirt and made a pot of coffee. As she heard the toilet flush and the bathroom door open, her heart jumped. She poured some coffee in a couple of to-go cups, hoping that it would reduce the awkwardness. As he came out in his shirt and pants from the night before, she swooned a little.

“Good morning,” his voice made her weak again, it was just two words.

“’Morning, I made some coffee,” of course she made coffee, how stupid was she… if she didn’t make the coffee, who did?

“Thanks, um… yeah. Um… do you have any plans today?” what was this… he sounded nervous!

“I’m just running errands all day, I might go to the gym this evening. Nothing big, I’m just going to take my time getting stuff done and enjoy my day…you?” good plan, busy day, fool proof, she wouldn’t sound desperate.

“Oh,” did he just sound disappointed? “well, I suppose I should be on my way, I’ve got… stuff to do today, too. Thanks for the coffee.”

He put on his shoes, grabbed his jacked, and coolly grabbed his coffee, and left. At that point, she didn’t know if she would ever see him again.

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