

Comment on the chapters... hmm... They were fairly informative. The history behind blogging is both interesting and amusing. The way media has evolved is interesting. It took years for television and radio to become as popular as the internet did in the 1990's. Part of that is probably the usability. It's still easier to make a website than it is to create an audio or video clip, and even easier to get it out to the mass public for all to see.

The reasons people blog are interesting. I've almost alway thought of blogs as personal journals, some more focused than others, but generally just journals. I'll have to agree with Ms. Blood about the time it takes to blog. I find it hard to post weekly or so on my very informal myspace or msn spaces blogs. (Until recently, I hadn't posted on my msn spaces blog since November). Trying the keep a complete record of a trip or keeping a hobby blog up to date would be grueling.

I've dabbled in HTML in the past... most recently in Web Design last semester, but I created this site in high school as a Star Event for FCCLA. WARNING: if you choose to check it out... it hasn't been updated since 2002. HTML can be a fun additive, as long as the user doesn't go over board. Here is an example of HTML gone wrong. It's hard to read the text, the images are too busy. Other than the fact that she loves Led Zeplin, I don't know the purpose for her profile.

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