


This girl is fucking nuts!

She reminds me of one of those girls on Maurry, you know, the girls who really want a baby... the ones who say they have lots of unprotected sex and they're like, 13? I bet she was just like those girls.

What really really really bothers me is the whole baby drop-off thing. I'm pretty sure there would have been few if any questions if she would have dropped the baby off at the nearest hospital. Even though the baby was older than most baby-drop off programs, I'm sure people at her local hospital would have hooked the girl up with the proper people to begin the adoption process.

This drives me absolutely nuts. I don't want my own kids, but I don't hate them. This story is so sad. This girl was so fucking selfish! Killing an innocent child so she can party, and now she's going to be in prison for hopefully years!

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