"Oh for blog-tastic"
While the travails of the thin and beautiful almost always make for good copy, we should remember that only about 1 percent of the American population is anorexic, while nearly two thirds of adults are overweight or obese, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. So it's not as if skinny models have inspired an epidemic of slimness. In fact, the real danger may be that the contrast between the girls on the catwalks and the girls at the mall is creating an atmosphere ripe for binge dieting and the kind of unhealthy eating habits that ultimately result in weight gain, not loss.
The Dove study found that just 2 percent of women and girls said they would describe themselves as beautiful, while two thirds said they avoided basic activities on days they felt unattractive. Those activities ranged from going to the beach or a party to showing up for work or school—even voicing an opinion.
David Carr, media critic for The Times, reports on the movie awards season.
The Carpetbagger is a seasonal blog that covers all things Oscar -- the news, the nonsense, and the players that drive the campaign.
In Search of the Grim Reaper’s Funny BoneVery commendable. I must say, Ms. Smith's death shocked me, but there isn't much to say at the moment.
We are not going to discuss You Know Who’s death because we generally don’t think that dead people, regardless of their backstories, should be treated like piƱatas — hit with sticks by bloggers and commentators until their insides fall out and their demise somehow becomes comic. Not to get all prissy or anything, but the Bagger always wonders what is so funny about someone, anyone, turning up dead.
This show really brings to light a controversial question: Can you be too young to get married?The fellow posters do most of the opinion sharing, therefore this blog is an open discussion. In a way, it's more of a forum than a blog. Which brings up the question, where does a blog end and a forum begin? I think that's a question for another post on another day. These guys call themselves a blog, so I'm going to believe them.
In today’s hive:She posts issues that need to be resolved and others that need help can post their questions.
GeLLiBeLLy wants to know what songs you chose for the ceremony and reception. She’s having a tough time selecting music.
sally wants to know how you let people know where you’re registered if you’re not having any showers, don’t have a website, and don’t put it in the invitations?
MissBluebear wants to know your opinion on groomsmen in suits rather than tuxes? What suit styles work best for a wedding party? The groomsmen suggested bowties with suits and she’s not sure how she feels about that. Also the best man has a tux he wants to wear, so will the groom and best man in tux, and 3 groomsmen in suits look weird?
Mindy is looking for a knottie bio that shows tons of fonts.
jen’s godmother is throwing her a shower - does she need to extend invitations to all of her fiance’s aunts/adult female cousins? They’re not close but she doesn’t want them to feel left out, or seem greedy for gifts. Advice?
iheartq wants to know is she’s responsible for all costs as the host of a bridal shower. She’s not the MOH but offered to host the shower, and the bride is inviting 50+ people. Would if be polite to ask the other girls to help contribute?
To add your question to the beehive, leave a comment below and we’ll update this post to include your question. See all past beehives here.